why do i still feel tired?

my pm is implanted about a month ago. but the prob is..i still feel light headedness after walking about 300 m. i feel dizzy..n tired. my heart rate is still normal. so there shouldn't be any problem wif the pm rite? but why do i still feel tired? even when i don't go out..i feel dizzy n tired at home in the evening. it's like there is no difference. im jealous wif those who hav a big difference after their pm implantation. shoul i wait longer? wat if there is still no difference?


Still Tired

by SMITTY - 2009-12-01 01:12:40

Hi Kidd,

You say your heart rate is normal. I take that to mean your heart rate is at least what the low setting is on your pacemaker, or do you mean it is regular. If it is regular, but still slow, then it could be that the settings on your pacemaker need to be changed, as Tracey said. Or it could be that you have a heart problem that the pacemaker cannot not correct, such as a low ejection fraction. A pacemaker may reduce some symptoms that go with a low EF, but it cannot totally eliminate them.

Or it could be anyone of a dozen, or more, other things. Your best bet is to see your doctor and let him tell you why you still feel tired. If after a month you have not seen any improvement I don't think continuing to wait is in your best interest.

Now don't be discouraged yet. It often takes more than one try to get the optimum settings on a pacemaker for a particular person. Those initial setting are the doctor's best guess based on what he knew about your problems and sometimes, like we said, it takes some changes. The one thing I would caution you about is if you are not getting the results you think you should let the doctor know. If he doesn't hear from you he has no reason to think that things are not just fine.

One thing we often forget is that while a pacemaker is nothing short of a scientific marvel, it often takes art to get the best from that marvelous device.

Good luck,



by Tracey_E - 2009-12-01 10:12:52

Your body could still be healing. It could be that you need your settings adjusted. I'd call the doc and ask to be checked.

Dizzy or Light headed

by ElectricFrank - 2009-12-02 01:12:53

There is a lot of confusion about the difference.

Dizziness is caused by a disturbance in the inner ear and is called vertigo. If turning your head makes it worse it is likely vertigo. Your comment about lying down watching TV is a red flag. Drinking plenty of water can be helpful.

Light headedness is caused by a shortage of blood flow to the brain. The experience is having everything go sparkly and possibly fading vision. It is less likely when lying down because the blood doesn't have to be pumped so high to the brain.

It is important to know the difference. The treatment is completely different for each and many doctors never try to differentiate.

I'm aware of vertigo from my past experiences as a pilot.


rate response

by Hot Heart - 2009-12-07 06:12:58

Hi there! Check if its on or off, if its off ask for them to put it on for you!


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I had a pacemaker since 2002 and ever since then my life has been a total blessing.