Jacuzzi soon?

When is it ok to go back in the jacuzzi?? It has been 2 weeks since the PM was put in. We miss our sunsets from the tub!


Winter Jacuzzi

by ElectricFrank - 2009-10-28 06:10:37

Mine is an above ground type and well insulated. I keep it at 102 deg which feels real nice on a cold day. I was out there last nite when it was 48 outside.

It takes one of us addicts to appreciate it.



by ElectricFrank - 2009-10-28 12:10:19

You can go back any time if you protect the incision. The pacemaker isn't affected by it so treat it like any incision or cut.

I was back in the jacuzzi the night I came home from the implant. My wife helped me tape some plastic wrap over the site with some waterproof first aid tape and in I went. I still had the bandage from the surgery on it so had to stay clear of it. I also didn't dip my shoulder into the water just to be sure.

Anyway, no problem. After the tub we took the plastic off and nothing was wet.

I'm with you on missing the jacuzzi. I go into hot tube withdrawal after a week. I watch the sun come up in the morning and go down at night from ours. It's in a sheltered spot so no suits needed. I'm about to head out now before going to bed.


Check if rate response is on or off

by Hot Heart - 2009-10-29 08:10:05

Hi there, asked about jaccuzzis yesterday at my hosp appt. Before when my rate response was turned off i was told no problem, Yesterday I got my rate response turned on and was told not to let the jets get too close to the pm now or it could put my heart rate up. Doc said just see how it goes and if I feel unwell or feel like i'm getting a racing heart or palpitations to get out. It would probably be best to not go in on your own for the first few times just to make sure you are ok, but then enjoy!!


Doc is right

by ElectricFrank - 2009-10-29 10:10:11

The jets sure do stimulate the rate response. Before I had it turned off, a jet on my left shoulder would send my HR soaring.

No need to stay out of tub though. Just don't run the jets or keep them away from the pacer. It doesn't do any harm other that being uncomfortable anyway. There is an upper rate setting in the rate response so your HR is just a bit fast. Fortunately fast isn't going to cause you to pass out so just relax.


You know you're wired when...

Your device acts like a police scanner.

Member Quotes

I've seen many posts about people being concerned about exercise after having a device so thought I would let you know that yesterday I raced my first marathon since having my pacemaker fitted in fall 2004.