Breathless Update

Hi Everyone,

Just to give you a update, i rang my PM clinic today to explain that im still getting breathless, and could it be to do with my PM?

They said def not, as i pace less tham 1%, it couldn't be anything to do with the settings.

When i say breathless i don't mean out of breath from e.g: excercise, it's more of a tight, hard to get breath feeling. I never get to the stage when i struggle to get breath.

I never had it before the PM, so don't know what to do now, as Dr also thinks it may be anxiety!! and cardiologist won't bring next app forward which isn't until Feb'10.

Oh well back to the drawing board.

Thanks Hayley x


New Dr.

by ppt - 2009-11-04 03:11:01

Suggest you consider a new Dr ???? I am sorry to say that but I cannot imagine a Dr not seeing you ! To me that is just totally unacceptable.


by AngelaHolt - 2009-11-04 04:11:43

I have that too! I am almost out of battery, and am in ??VVI mode , I have assumed the shortss of breath is from that, but I am not sure. I hate it when a dr tells anyone it is ANXIETY! They give me anxiety! In my opinion, and I am not a doctor, it is not normal to feel that way! Don't give up, see another doctor, one who will listen to you, and try to figure out what is going on!
Good luck Hayley!


by Carolyn65 - 2009-11-04 10:11:48

Go straight to the ER ~ someone will HAVE to see you.

Change doctors, EP, cardio, GP and anyone who thinks your symptoms are all in your mind.

Get a referral to a neurologist IF the doctors think you are not having problems. They can run test(s) to see IF you might be having other problems which are affecting your health.

Make your PM company your new, bestest friend and keep their toll free numbers at your finger tips. Ask questions, talk about problems, etc. Afterall, you are paying for all the services you are using, not to be taken care of.

Hang in there & keep smiling. Just live one day at a time. Carolyn G. in TEXAS

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