What can I do with a pacemaker?

What can I do with a pacemaker?


Here are a couple of things you can do

by Bionic Man - 2009-10-12 03:10:13

You can jump start a car. You can guide Santa's sleigh. You have enough power to light up a small town.
There's no limit to the things you can do.

Stair Tumbling???

by Pookie - 2009-10-12 03:10:47

Patch.....I did that last night and it really hurt!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Personally I don't recommend it. :)



by Possum Larry - 2009-10-12 04:10:22

I have a lot of fun with mine especially when at a doctors office for a condition other that my heart.
Say I am visiting a urologist and I have a nurse who does not know that I have a pacemaker ask to take my pulse.

I will outstrech my arm to her and say "It feels like about a 60 to me" The look of amazement is always followed by the question how did you know?

My doc says...

by COBradyBunch - 2009-10-12 04:10:28

Full Contact MMA is a no no... MRI's might be a no no (his jury is still out on that one). Working on very large running diesel engines is not recommended... Just about anything else is not a problem although he doesn't recommend any sports that include direct hits on the unit (and getting hit by a basketball when the rebound your going for gets bounced around one too many time does hurt like hell).

Basically as said before, it really depends upon your underlying condition and what the manufacturer of the unit says but anything short of something that will dislodge, move or bang the hell out of it seems okay according to my doc. Oh and he did also say to try and avoid getting hit by lightning or electrocuting yourself.



by pezzypooh - 2009-10-12 04:10:46


what do you want to do with a pacemaker?

by Tracey_E - 2009-10-12 04:10:53

Your question is so short it's hard to tell what you're asking. If you hadn't noticed, we have a few clowns around here. :o) According to your profile you've already had one for a few years, what has your doctor told you you can do?

I have my first one, it's in a box of memorabilia. Thought about making a necklace out of it.

I forgot to ask for my second and third ones, darnit.

My fourth one is still inside me. I do all sorts of stuff with it. I ski, rollerblade, hike, raise kids, volunteer, run a business... live an active and healthy life.


by Possum Larry - 2009-10-12 07:10:33

OK, OK TraceyE you got me

I confess to being a clown but I am enjoying my life so much today it is hard to resist. So please forgive me.

My childhood may not always have been happy but, it certainly has been long

Possum Larry

My apologies

by wenditt - 2009-10-12 08:10:58

My apologies Tyler16. I didn't check your profile before I made the comment I did. It was inappropriate and I apologize. It was just a joke but I can see now that you are very interested in sports are were probably asking for real. I have done my best to attempt to delete my "freshness" but I can't figure it out.

I was told that full on contact sports were probably not the best idea. But I would ask the doctor. If you like football, instead of playing on the team at school, a good substitute might be flag football with some friends.

Let me know what the dr. tells you. Good luck!

Great comments!

by GMan - 2009-10-13 08:10:03


Tyler, if your past 12/wks. do just about anything. Don't bash the PM into something! I wouldn't do any extreme PM side stretching. But weight training, Golfing, etc..


Just about anything...provided you do it sensibly

by gevans - 2009-10-22 11:10:54

Although I'm now too old for football, I do still run marathons and swim (and golf, bike, lift weights and backpack). Contact sports may be out of the question unless you have really protective padding, but I do know of a martial arts teacher that still practices. Run everything by your cardiologist or EP (and if he or she objects, then seek another opinion before you forgo something entirely...I did).

The Other Gary

Try running

by PC - 2009-10-24 07:10:17

I recently got a pacemaker Sept/08 and I ran before the pacemaker and have started back up again and just finished a marathon 2 weeks ago, anything is possible don't let a pacmaker change what you do and don't do. Live life and enjoy!!!

You know you're wired when...

You can shop longer than the Energizer Bunny.

Member Quotes

I swim, scuba, garden, hike, climb, workout, play with the kids, play tennis, baseball, basket ball and rollerblade with mine with no problem.