
Hey thanks for your replies!!!! few more queries i have if you can help it out... if electrophysiolgist consults the relevant company for pacemaker implantation do they get any profit from these companies or so..and the primary doctor which has asked the patient to go to concerned EP.. they must be getting some amount of cut from the company right??? you said you are having pacemaker implanted can i know of which company it is???
Please help me out thanks!!!!!!!!!!!


gr8!! thanks

by shwetu.more - 2009-09-22 07:09:02

hey thats really nice of u!! thank you so much


by J.B. - 2009-09-22 08:09:47

Zombie said "But this being America, I'm sure nothing is for free..." Of course that is correct just as it is everywhere in the world. Even in the countries with the so called free healthcare systems. The recipient may not pay, but someone, somewhere is paying in the form of higher insurance premiums, payroll tax, or some other kind of payment. When a government says you will have free health care, what they mean is they will get money from the taxpayers to pay for your health care.

As for doctors being paid, what do you think? It may not be a straight forward transfer of cash, but there are many, many ways to express appreciation to a doctor for prescribing, recommending or using your product. Again, there are no freebies in this world.

You know you're wired when...

You have a 25 year mortgage on your device.

Member Quotes

Since I got my pacemaker, I don't pass out anymore! That's a blessing in itself.