Back in the Lab!

Anyone out there using Probiotics? I was using a 1/billion capsule and recently moved up to 10/billion. I am a Gold Card holder at GNC. I'm taking quite a few supplements along and around my meds. How about L-Carnitine?



I am !!!

by Pookie - 2009-12-16 09:12:14

Hi gary.

I take Probiotics because of my stomach issues. They made such a huge improvement. I also take M6 which is a demulcent for mucous membranes with digestive Plant Enzymes.

All I know is: without these my stomach is a mess, I have awful pain, then I can't eat and start to loss weight very quickly. I've been to see 2 Gastroentologists and have had every test possible. I was diagnosed with Lymphocytic Colitis and the meds that the GIs gave me really didn't help too well until I went and saw a Naturopathic Doctor, now along with the Probiotics and the other 2 I mentioned, my stomach is finally back to normal. Yeehaw.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Probiotics safe?

by ted - 2009-12-21 07:12:19

Two questions:
1. Wasn't there a recent study in Holland that concluded that probiotics caused deaths?
2. Can't you get the same effect from just eating yogurt?

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