Pulling out all the stops!!! (Almost all)

Today was the day. I got aggressive with exercise and decided to do an AM and PM routine. I used the old Charles Atlas course. Remember him? Sand kicked in his face!!! The exercises are called DYNAMIC TENSION and mimic the big cats at the zoo. Lots of push/pull stretching, pushups, etc. working one muscle against the other. I put some real snap in it and felt good about it.



ha ha!

by pacergirl - 2009-10-06 08:10:24

Gary you always catch my attention! When I see you've posted something and I can hardly wait to see what witty story you have concocted.
You always make me smile and usually cause me to laugh out loud!

p.s. and yes, I do recall Charles Atlas, he he

I remember Charles Atlas

by ElectricFrank - 2009-10-06 10:10:00

I was the 97 pound weakling he used as a before in his ad's. G(:



by GMan - 2009-10-07 08:10:15

You helped me in my darkest time! For that I aim to please!!!


Hi gman

by Gellia2 - 2009-10-07 08:10:53

Glad to see you're back to enjoying life with NO FEAR!
Way to go!

P.S. I remember Charles Atlas, too!

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