Your routine?

What are you doing to keep fit? I've been slow at this but am walking, Gazelle, Weights. We can't just let go, can we? We also can't run marathons either. Please share your routine and any tricks. I always park far away in a lot so I can walk more. I'm at 10/weeks PM.



As others have said...

by tuck3lin - 2009-10-01 01:10:07

As others have said, it varies with the individual and the reasons for having a pacemaker implant, so check with your doctor. I've been operating at about the same or slightly higher level of physical activity as before the PM. In fact, I don't do too much differently. I usually run about 10-12 miles a week to keep fit, with some light weight lifting thrown in, and a two mile walk on the off days. I ran five 5K organized runs in the last year, and am signed up for a 10K next weekend.

At 51, I am not especially fast, but wouldn't necessarily be without the PM either. Fast enough to beat my 115 pound semi-fit 18 year old daughter by about five minutes in my last 5K, though. :-)

There are a few people in this group that DO run marathons, so don't count anything out.

Keeping ft

by ElectricFrank - 2009-10-01 01:10:43

I just stay active. I park further out in a parking lot and if I go to several stores I walk between them. Here in our small town we don't have 2 story malls, but anytime I go to the big city I use the stairs.

I also take get 2-3 mile walks. I don't have a program. I just do it all because I like it.


Chocolate ?

by mike thurston - 2009-10-01 04:10:53

Where you gettin them chocolate bisquits Bella :)

You know what I do...

by turboz24 - 2009-10-01 09:10:49

lift weights 1-1.5 hrs weekdays. I can tell you that if I hadn't been working out before my ICD, I might not have started post ICD.

You usually workout to
1. Stay healthy
2. feel good
3. look good

On second thought 2/3 is still ok.

Keep Going

by mike thurston - 2009-10-01 10:10:01

Hey Gary,
I suppose every situation is different depending on your particular reason for having a PM. I have an ICD/PM and am 100% PM dependent with no underlying rhythm. I rock climb, road bike, mountain bike and lift weights. I go pretty hard for me but mostly it is self limiting and I slow down when it gets too hard. I certainly can't keep up with real fit people but I can out do most run of the mill couch potatoes. Could something happen ? Sure but that could be the case just sitting around. I feel most alive out and doing things so sitting around is not for me. It's the quiet times that drive me nuts. I can't control how and when I will die I can only control how I live today. Use good judgement and do what you like if it is not ridicuously dangerous. Usuallyn there is a middle ground.

we can too.....

by Angelie - 2009-10-01 10:10:55

we can too run marathons. I ran my first 5k 4months after my first pacemaker implant.

Everyone is different with different medical problems and needs. Talk to your doctor to see what you're physically able to do.

Getting fit

by Quemal - 2009-10-01 11:10:56

I do most of my shopping by bicycle. I still can't ride like I used to, but I am getting there. I got my PM in July, under an emergency situation. During the month of recuperating. I gained a lot of weight.

Hi, you have asked a very good question

by pacergirl - 2009-10-02 07:10:17

I chase after me dog when he gets out. I do work in the garden as well. As many of you know I have recently quit working and I am going to be focusing on developing my design company beginning on Monday.

I will be joining my friends in a yoga class and maybe a belly dancing class as well! As for a cardio workout, I have a brand new bike and I think I would like to put some miles on it too.

I think driving my cars is a sport, but other than getting my heart rate up on occasion I don't think it counts as exercise. lol even if it is in my Porsche.

I am interested in what other pacers/ICD do to keep in shape as well.

Take care,

Depends on your situation

by Tracie - 2009-10-02 11:10:49

Like many others have said, your level of activity depends on why you have your PM. For me, I compete in Ironman triathlons - 2.4 mi swim, 112 mi bike and 26.2 mi run. If I listened to my doctor, I would be knitting. Not that you shouldn't listen to your doctor, just be aware they're in a business. Take what they say and weigh it with what you are comfortable doing. Listen to your body and be healthy along the way. Above all, have fun in life! We only get one!

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