Thallium Stress Test

Well... here is my first post.
In June, 2009 a St. Jude Zephler XL DR was implanted. I am currently running and lifting weights with little discomfort. My next scheduled check-up is in February. I would normally have a Nuclear Perfusion Stress Test every six months, however, I
now have a pacemaker. Will I be able to have this type of test with an implanted pacemaker?


Nuclear Perfusion

by geejbee - 2009-12-31 02:12:49

I had my first nuclear perfusion stress test 6 months after my implant. No issues. The technicians doing the test should be aware that you have a pacemaker - other than that - it's a walk in the park. Best wishes.

Stress tests

by ElectricFrank - 2009-12-31 11:12:50

Why would you have a Nuclear Perfusion Stress Test every 6 months if you are lifting weights and running with no discomfort. Sounds like they are making money off you.


Thallium Stress Test

by J.B. - 2009-12-31 12:12:55

While they may have to make some adjustments in the stress test because you have a pacemaker it will not know or care about your having the test.

I've had two of them since I got my pacemaker and the only thing said about the pacemaker is to confirm that I have one.

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