
Well, I have come to a realization that I don't like knowing that I have a surgery coming up. I would much rather have it happen as a surprise. I don't enjoy the "waiting period". I'm not used to having these things planned out. All my surgeries/hospital stays have been emergencies. Trust me there have been plenty of those.

I seem to have an overactive imagination and I now know a lot more about pacemakers than I ever thought I would. I know what questions to ask, when to worry, when to call my girlfriends and when to say to my hubby that I need to get some help because I don't feel so good.

Tomorrow is my pacemaker checkup. Tomorrow my cardiologist will probably tell me when he wants to replace my pacemaker. Right now I have the small St. Jude Identity, dual pacemaker. I'm on meds for the tackycardia. The pacemaker handles the other issues.

After the "Great Fall" about 4 weeks ago I'm not ready to go back to the hospital. Maybe if I'm lucky the doc will be able to extend the life of this pacer again and I can put it off for a while longer. My EOL is sometime in May. So as you can see I still have a little time left.

I just dread this appointment... and the coming surgery. I just seem to have so many things to do. I know that I am not the only person with a life, with a family, with my own business or with demands on my time. It's just that I can think of hundreds of other things I would rather be doing than having a guy cut open my left shoulder/chest and then stitch me up! It's going to be Spring soon and I really don't want to be sore for even a minute! I try not the whine too often but this has been on my mind a lot lately. I really just needed to vent my frustration about the fact that I have no control over my pacemaker or it's battery life. I sure hope I can get a pacer with an extended battery life this next time around.

Maybe St. Jude Medical could hook up with the energizer battery people and see what they can work out. he he... They could be designed in Pink! yay... I'll take one of those! A Pink one with a bunny on it that also acts as an MP3 Player and a cell phone with remote controls and maybe toss in a GPS system so my Dr. always knows where I am ..... just in case. Now that is a good idea.... Music on demand to keep me in rhythm. ha ha. My hubby would love that then I would always be dancing!

So thanks folks, at least for those of you who have read this entire rant! Thank you for listening to me. I will return the favor as needed. I feel better now... Thank you very much!




by Tracey_E - 2010-02-16 10:02:00

Replacements are soooooo much easier than the first implant! I didn't realize you were so close to needing a new one. I've done it 4 times now and I promise, it's really not that big a deal and you'll be back on your feet faster than you can blink. If the first was a 10, replacements are maybe a 3 or 4. You already have a pocket created, you already have leads in place, they go in through the scar tissue- easy!

If it's estimating May for EOL, you should be able to go another month or two. So, you do have a bit of control. If this month is more convenient than March or April because you want to be 100% by spring, tell your doc you want to do it now.

I want me one with GPS!! Then maybe next time I'm in Tampa I won't drive us all over creation trying to get out of the airport headed the right direction for the hotel. :oP

Sending lots of hugs and calming prayers.


by justme - 2010-02-16 10:02:15

I'm with you...knowing sucks.


by jessie - 2010-02-16 10:02:50

it will be just will be have come so far from the year of the ist implant and hubbie was gone and you were huddling upstairs frightened in the old 100 century house...i remember so will be fine susie and we are all here for support. xxoojessie

IF You Find It ~ I Want IT ~ ~

by Carolyn65 - 2010-02-16 11:02:43

pacergirl, if you find a PM like that, I want to be the first.
What a deal to own. Hey, we could buy the company and be rich/famous AND in great demand! Maybe the PM could even do massages, foot rubs and tell you how much we are appreciated. LOL

I just had my PM implanted in 10/09 & I try not to think of the years later when the Dr. has to go back in to replace the batteries. I just dread the time it will take out of my daily wear/tear and the anesthesia & recovery. Glad to hear it is not bad.

pacergirl, we will all be thinking of you while you and the Dr. chit-chat. Let us hear from you.

Take care, Carolyn G. in TEXAS ( :

Sending you good thoughts...

by wenditt - 2010-02-16 11:02:48

I don't have enough experience with this to say which is worse...the surprise of it all or the knowing. But I hate surprises....always have. I'm a planner! I feel for you...I would think knowing what tomorrow might bring would suck to say the least. :-)

But just by reading your post you seem to be able to put a happy spin on things so if they tell you what you don't want to hear....give yourself a little time and I am sure you will another happy spin on that too!

Good luck tomorrow....I hope you get the news you want.


Use the imagination for good

by ElectricFrank - 2010-02-17 01:02:37

An active imagination can be a real advantage. I have a very vivid imagination and can visualize almost anything that can go wrong. I use it to prepare myself for things like the recent replacement. It's a good chance to deal with feelings about the experience without being rushed along by an OR full of medical types.

good luck,


We Need Zippers

by Bionic Man - 2010-02-17 02:02:44

Hi Pacergirl,
When I need to have my pacer changed I'm going to suggest the Dr put in a zipper. I should have thought of this the first time. Picture this, you go for your appointment, they unzip your pocket, pull out the old pacer put in the new one and zip it back up again. Bing, Bang, Boom, two minutes later your headed home. Be careful though, some cheap Dr's may try to use velcro. Ouch!!!
Lots of luck with your appt. Keep us posted,


by Tracey_E - 2010-02-17 05:02:16

I've asked for them the last two times and they tell me no! I'm going to keep asking.

Unsure, but like to prepare...

by JessiWay - 2010-02-17 12:02:18

I am having mine put in on the 23rd. I haven't had any others, this will be my 1st.

I was actually wondering the other day if if would be easier had I not known ahead of time. I was thinking I would rather have it a surprise, not much time to think about it all...make myself nuts with anticipation. I though I would prefer that...

Then, reading the replies to your post I hard as knowing seems to be, there's a plus. I am able to plan ahead & arrange everything with my children for while I'm gone. I am able to find comfort in planning & preparing everything I can. The tough part is having the wisdom/insight to know what I can plan & what I have to let God handle.

It is hard for me when I don't have control. Really hard.

Keep us posted, I am so happy to have found this site & met all of you! I wish you luck, dear. And promise you will all tell me when there is a pink mp 3 player/cell phone/gps/combo pacer. =)

Hugs heading your way!

by tcrabtree85 - 2010-02-17 12:02:27

I understand what you mean about having the surgery planned out and just wishing it wouldn't come and would just go away.
My second pacer took me a while longer to heal from but it wasn't bad. I do believe you would be just fine. If I could make the trip I would come spend a week with you after helping you do whatever needs to get done.
You my friend will be fine. Stop worrying i'm sure the Dr's understand that its not what you want to be doing but something you need to do.
I think personally you prefer getting it done now instead of waiting for the warmer months. Then you take all your pain medications to fight off both aches.
Thanks for all the encouragement you give out and I know i'm not giving you the best but I will tell you this whatever God has planned it will all work out. Everything that needs to get done will get accomplished some how and some means. Stop stressing it's harder on the heart and our bodies. I know so easy to say but so hard to follow.
I am thinking of you and I leave you with my favorite verse that helps me a lot. Matthew 6:25-34 way too much to add on but you can google it.

Love ya,

The Devil's Playground

by JulieH - 2010-02-17 12:02:38

Our minds really can be the devil's playground, can't they? Try to look at your upcoming surgery this way:

1. You need the surgery,

2. Without it you'd be up the creek,

3. You know how beneficial it is for you,

4. Worrying about it isn't going to make your life any easier,

5. You have a lot of positive thoughts, friends and family with you,

6. If you believe in God, ask him to help you and then know that he will. If you don't believe in God, we'll pray for you. In fact, we'll pray for you anyway!

Many things to be grateful for; too many, in fact, to name.

Take care,

Heard the 1st is the roughest

by bzymom320 - 2010-02-17 12:02:58

I just got my first one last week. I was told that the first one is the hardest and after that replacements are a piece of cake. Recovery is much faster as well.

Hope that's the case for you. Let us know!

You know you're wired when...

You can take a lickin’ and keep on tickin’.

Member Quotes

I finished 29th in London in 2 hours 20 minutes 30 seconds which is my fastest with or without a device so clearly it didn’t slow me down ! I had no problems apart from some slight chaffing on my scar - more Vaseline next time.