another doctor's appt in the morning

Hello everyone! I have posted before and gotten a lot of great advice. This club has helped me so much. My last post was about not being able to exercise. I had my check-up two months ago and my heart rate was 155. The doctor said that is why I am having such a hard time exercising. We did a monitor and it is staying around that rate most of the time. It is either sitting at my setting of 70 or high. It does go up and down a lot. The doctor said that within a matter of three minutes it had jumped up and down five times on the monitor while I was resting. So my doctor was very worried about my heart muscle itself. He said that too much of these kinds of rates could cause it to give out. He scheduled me back in two months for an echo which is tomorrow. I have not had one since before the pm was placed and my question is does your ef typically go up after pm? I am nervous and feel like I have run out of options if my ef has dropped. I am currently on medication and we have already done a sinus node ablation. The doctor said he could do another one but that was really the only option. He said if the muscle gets too overworked it will give out. I am scared and feel like I have done everything that I can to help my situation and it is still bad!


to cabg patch

by nat36 - 2009-11-05 07:11:37

I just have a pm so far. I guess I will just have to wait and see how it is tomorrow. It was not too bad before the pm. We were just keeping an eye on it. Now he sounds worried which makes me worried:) Thank you very much for the information.

appt went ok I guess

by nat36 - 2009-11-07 06:11:37

My echo showed not much change so I guess that's good. It could have gotten worse. He wants to double my medicine to 100mg of Atenolol a day since heart rate was still 140's. I have to go back in three months again for another echo. Why another one so soon if everything is ok? I asked and he just said with rate staying so high he wants to keep an eye on it. Is he not telling me everything?

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You can finally prove that you have a heart.

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