feeling funny

i had my pacemaker put in 2 days ago and now every once in awhile i feel a flutter in my chest and was wondering if this is normal?


Hi Pezzy and minichamp

by Hot Heart - 2009-04-16 03:04:39

Welcome to the wonderful world of pacing!!! lol

Sometimes I think that we are more in tune with our hearts when we have been paced, and sometimes notice things that may have happened before but we just didnt notice them.

I was a nightmare for the first few months, thought every twinge was something going wrong, but it wasnt.

So good luck, relax and enjoy the good quality of life us pacers have.

Take care HH

Flutter after implant

by ShadowWeaver - 2009-04-16 04:04:23

For me, the docs said that I went into a-fib a few times for the first two or three days after implant. They said it was normal as the heart has suffered some trauma and is adapting. After that it went away. Could be the same with you.



by pezzypooh - 2009-04-16 08:04:16

I am feeling the same types of things. Just had my PM implanted on Monday 4/13 as well. I'm glad I read this thread as it has made me feel a bit more relaxed as well!


by ElectricFrank - 2009-04-16 12:04:23

As long as you aren't feeling light headed etc., the flutter feeling isn't anything to be concerned about. It is pretty much standard practice to leave the pacer programmed to its factory settings after implant. At the first programming checkup they will reprogram it to match your situation. This may help a lot.

Be sure to ask for a copy of the Initial and Final reports at all of your checkups. These give information on how your heart is responding to the pacer and how the settings have been changed. There are several of us here who can help you understand them.

You didn't mention any problem with pain in the site interfering with sleeping. One thing that can really help is to sleep on the side opposite the pacemaker and put a pillow in front of you to support the upper arm.



You know you're wired when...

You run like the bionic man.

Member Quotes

I had a pacemaker since 2002 and ever since then my life has been a total blessing.