Several infections post-pacemaker

Hello everyone! Quick question, please let me know your thoughts if you get a free moment : ) I am post pacemaker 8 weeks! The pacemaker site is still EXTREMELY sore and uncomfortable. When I move my arm it hurts (where the pacer is), and then if I do a lot with that arm it begins to shake (almost like tremors). The site is still red and last week was oozing puss and some blood (not a lot). I had bronchitis two weeks ago and have not completely gotten over it and now have a very bad sinus infection...could all this be related? I do not have a fever today, but have had low grade fevers throughout the past few weeks...what does this sound like? Do I need to tell the cardiologist? He seems sort of annoyed with me because I call with problems/questions all of the time. He says my pacemaker is perfect and there is nothing left for him to do....but I have not said anything about this infection. Please help and let me know what you think...thank you everyone! I appreciate you reading and your thoughts! Do this sound like my pacer is infected?


I agree with Frank

by janetinak - 2009-04-27 01:04:12

Your PM may be great but pus means an infection.Get in to see Cardioliogist or your Pimary Dr, if not get to an ER now!

Good luck. Let us know how it goes,


go to ER

by hope45 - 2009-04-27 01:04:39

get that treated.
my cardio has given me a hard time also.
don't take it personally

agree also

by Tracey_E - 2009-04-27 07:04:32

It sure sounds like an infection. Your cardiologist needs to know, and now.

Don't stand for him getting annoyed. You have the right to answers when you don't understand something or don't feel right. If he has a brush-off attitude, you might want to consider a new doctor.

Getting annoyed

by ElectricFrank - 2009-04-27 11:04:43

I suspect that when the local doctors get together for a few drinks in the evening here they talk about that guy named Frank with his own ECG who gets annoyed easily




by ElectricFrank - 2009-04-27 12:04:04

Don't let the cardiologist spook you. Annoy him. An infection in the pocket area is serious. It can follow a lead into the vein and become a life threatening blood infection. With it ozzing puss I would get help soon. With the prevalence of antibiotic resistant infections the sooner the better. If the cardio can't see you ASAP go to emergency.


Post PM fever

by Vai - 2009-04-27 12:04:45

Agree. You should pronto inform cardiologist of your status even though you are consulting your primary care physician. I had suspected bronchitis or pneumonia some 4 months after my PM. My primary doctor was on the phone with my cardio immediately and I was treated with some heavy doses of antibiotics to bring the matter under control.

At 8 weeks you should have passed the soreness stage. Something IS wrong!

Call your cardiologist

by Will - 2009-05-03 03:05:47

I'm currently in the hospital with an infected pacemaker. What you're describing is potentially too serious to ignore.

Your cardiologist is responsible for your health, and he should never be annoyed by a patient--much less express any annoyance.

Call him. If he's unresponsive, find a competent cardiologist.

Good luck, I truly hope it's not infected.

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