pacer inducted muscle twitching

I had my first pacemaker inserted at age 21. My replacement was put in about 9 years later. I am currently 30.

Recently, my doc told me that I have a compromised or broken lead and therefore my pacers is helping to conduct the electric current and my muscle twitches almost non-stop. Has anyone else had this? what are my surgical options? coping options?



My understanding...

by turboz24 - 2009-04-12 10:04:29

If your pacer swaps to mono-polar mode, that means it's using it's case as a ground instead of the current passing from one lead to another. This means that the current passes from your heart, back to the case of the pacer, causing the muscle it sits on to reach and "twitch".

unless the cable issue can be corrected or the voltage reduced, I'd assume the only solution would be to replace the defective lead.

Sometimes you have to be really forceful with your doctor. Someone how get across the point that the current sutuation is unacceptable and you need options/solutions. That would be my suggestion.

St Jude Medical DF/PM twitching

by Chris1 - 2012-02-11 07:02:40

Got mine in Nov 2011 and I can only sleep on my left side, any other position and I start twitching real bad. Have you ever tried sleeping on just one side? Doesn't make for any quality sleep and its extremely annoying. I really hope they can adj it to get rid of these twitches.

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